Thursday, February 10, 2011

Creative Pricing Strategy

 Some people might feel “ripped-off” when they find out someone bought the same thing at a lower price, even though at first they were satisfied with their deal. For those who still prefer a traditional pricing policy – a price that is not changeable, and that is determined by certain elements such as cost, market equilibrium, and competition – different prices for each customer could mean they will get “ripped-off.” In contrast, from the view of practitioners of the new pricing strategy, this can be seen as a Creative Pricing Strategy.

  What is ‘Creative Pricing Strategy’
     Something creative refers to something new that has some kind of new value. Likewise, Creative Pricing Strategy represents a new pricing strategy that gives new value to both sellers and buyers. 

Creative Pricing Strategy grows business
     As the technology gap among competitors shrinks, product quality has become highly equalized. Therefore, quality is no longer an issue in deciding the value of a product. Because of that, marketing is more important now than ever. Different from other elements of marketing mix, price used to be recognized as something untouchable, so marketers didn’t even try to come up with creative pricing strategies. But traditional marketing methods are no longer effective since everyone puts strong efforts into the existing marketing strategy. Under this circumstance, Creative Pricing Strategy open up a blue ocean.      

Three major requirements to meet Creative Pricing Strategy
    First, be free from prejudices: prices shouldn’t necessarily be decided by traditionally recognized essential elements like cost, market equilibrium and competition. This doesn’t mean that those elements should be neglected. The best thing to do is consider those things, but do not follow existing policies, and try to create a new or transformed pricing strategy.
    Second, add value on price itself.  
Cost-plus pricing’, or ‘Competition-based pricing’ might be able to show the value of the product itselfbut it fails to include real value surrounding the entire process of merchandizing. The concept of value is subjective. It can be created by a variety of things like technology, brand story and personal experience. So value-based pricing has incredible potential to be creative pricing strategy.
    Third, satisfy both sellers and buyers.
 The ultimate objectives for commerce are to bring profits to sellers and provide buyers with what they want. Unfortunately, however, sometimes some sellers choose to give up their margin to survive in fierce competition or try to rip off customers to earn immediate gains.
   Creative Pricing Strategy seeks happiness for both sides. This is possible because it creates new value to be shared between sellers and buyers. By enlarging the pie, both sides can be pleased without any loss from any side.

Examples of ‘Creative Pricing Strategy’
   Pay as much as you enjoy       
Hermann Bredehorst/Polaris, for
                           The New York Times
     How much would you pay if you were asked to pay as much as you enjoy for a service or product? Some people might want to take avantage of it and wouldn’t pay anything. If most customers were like that, no one would take this pricing policy into consideration for their business. There are some actual cases, however, that show the possibility of success with this strategy. A wine bar called Weinerei’ in Berlin serves a wide range of wines at value-based prices. After tasting any kind of wine you like, you just need to throw some money into a jar – any amount you think is fair. Since most people feel like paying the right value, this pricing policy doesn’t hurt their profit. Rather, it attracts more customers charmed by the unique, exciting new system.

  Free Service and Sponsorship
   It’s not easy for anyone to resist the temptation of free. Therefore, charming incentives like free coupons or gifts have been used to attract customers. This method can be developed: the concept of free can be used not only for incentives that require the customer to buy something first.
    A Japanese start-up business named ‘Tadacopy’ has offered free photocopies for university students. Obviously, this concept has been embraced by students, but this still leave curiosity about how the company make money. Their source of actual money is not from customers but from sponsors who want to advertise their services or products. Ads are printed on the back of the copy paper the students get for free. From this example, you can see that price doesn’t have to be determined based on the value of product itself.    

Future perspective of the ‘Creative Pricing Strategy’
    The potential of Creative Pricing Strategy is limitless, as long as it creates new value, and satisfies both sellers and buyers. Expanding the benefit to society and the environment, the Creative Pricing Strategy can be extended to Social Pricing. For example, eye glasses retailer Warby Parker has a special policy called ‘Buy a Pair, Give a Pair’ which means “for every pair of glasses you buy, we give a pair to someone in need.” Likewise, in the near future, businesses may not be able to become competitive without considering the value it shares with customers and even society as well.        

  Economics of Price – Sung-gi Joe

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Subscription model can be a good chance for retailer?

What is your first image of "subscription business model"? I'm pretty sure that most people will first remind newspapers or magazines. If you are running a website or doing business involved in computer, your answer might be internet service based on subscription. Likewise, even though subscription business model has expended its territory up to cellphone market, automobile and so on, this model is still considered as a business strategy best matching for media and some internet service. However, I believe that this is the moment for "subscription model" to meet a new business partner, which is retailer.
I'd like to introduce new retail idea adopting subscription model for selling products. Plus, I want to tell you why this is worth getting our attention.

Panty by Post
Mailed monthly 

Panty by post launched in 2010 provides a selection of women's and men's underwear by monthly subscription. You can sign up for subscriptions lasting  two, three, six or 12 months, then a different panty from the collection you choose from is delivered with cute packaging every month. You can also order a single panty or two pair without subscription.

Do you want more information?

What matters to retailer?
If you are working in this field, or you are planing to do someday, you need to take a moment to perceive about this concept because it can bring sellers and customers lots of benefits, especially sellers.  
First of all, getting customers with subscription means that it's easier to caculate expected revenue and cost.
This can help sellers to plan their money and most importantly reduce their inventory. 
Moreover,  subscription business will be able to manage customer service better and develope long-term loyalty. As many statistics have shown, keeping customers with loyalty rather than chasing new customers can bring more profits. Ultimately, this is such a ideal model to make a business stable and develop the brand. From the perspective of customers, as long as they are contented to the service and product, they will be more pleasant with this concept because they will be treated even better as a regular customer and also save money for the same product and service, it's even more convenient as well. 
Considering all benefits you will get from this, you may as well take it into your consideration for your next step.

Where can it be reasonably used?

According to my personal analysis, giant retailers like Walmart could be right for this subscription model.
Since they've already been runing a website for taking a order and providing delivery serive, it will take a lot more less efforts to introduce this model. I assume that they will be able to attract substantial customers because most people use some commodites on regular basis like toilet papers and toothpaths. Sometimes they feel lazy to shop for them over and over. Thus, they will feel convenience if they can get the delivery they often need without any incovenient process, and with cheaper price. Then, they might be willing to become loyal customers for who provide such a great service and products.  

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Do you want to create distinctive music?

Skoog, Real Music, Real expression

Skoog? What is that?
The 'Skoog' is a new musical instrument different from existing traditional instruments. It doesn't require long-term learning process like a guitar and piano do. All you need to do is just press, squeeze, twist or strike any side of 'skoog' by using any part of your body so that it gives you access to distinctive sounds of a real flute or xylophone and so on. 
The Skoop' provides those who are unable to play a musical instrument with a chance to make their own special music. 
Real music can be created by the 'skoog' instantly responded to your real expression and feeling. 

 How it works?  
To play the 'Skoog', the first thing to do is plug a wire straight into your computer or laptop's USB port, and simply touch, press, squash, twist, tap the Skoog. It allows you to play a wide range of instruments, intuitively.  

Do you want more information? 

HAPI Drum, No typical drum sounds here

You don't need any musical background to enjoy this unique drum called 'HAPI'. You can tap any part of this to play percussive beats. What mostly distinguish 'HAPI' from any other common drum is that it has mysterious sounds for creating distinctive harmony, so you can be absorbed in indescribable music aura you are making with HAPI. In addition, because of its compact design you can carry this with you anywhere and anytime you feel like grooving.

Do you want more information?